Šećerna pena - vuna - Cotton Candy Maker - SLATKA IGRA - IGRAJTE SE SA DECOM I SLADITE 2 U 1- VIDEO
- Beograd, Novi Beograd,
4.799 RSD
- 111842865
- Ažuriran: 02.03.2025.
- secerna-pena-vuna-cotton-candy

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- U PAKOVANJU JE SVE ŠTO JE POTREBNO DA SA MALIŠANIMA PRAVITE I ZASLADITE SE PRAVOM ŠEĆERNOM VUNOM ! ! ! *************** PRAVITE SLATKU ZABAVU ZA BOŽIĆNE PRAZNIKE BOJA : raspoloživa CRVENA Works with hard candy, sugar-free hard candy or flossing sugar Clear rim guard allows for easy viewing Unit disassembles for easy cleaning Suction cup feet for stability Product dimension: 31 cm X 31 cm X 30 cm. Weight: 1.8 KG Bring the fun right into your kitchen with this convenient tabletop cotton candy-making unit that uniquely resembles the carnival vendor carts of the early 1900s. Use your favorite hard candies or flossing sugar to create fluffy cotton candy cones the whole family will love. The clear rim acts as a protective guard and allows for easy viewing of the cotton candy. Package includes 2-reusable cones, 1-sugar scoop, and 1-extractor head.
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