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The Memoirs of Jesus
- Beograd,
899 RSD
- 148461631
- Ažuriran: 18.02.2025.
- Šifra artikla: 27897
- the-memoirs-of-jesus-p7La9-wn8Gh

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Autor: Vuk Drašković
A new novel by one of the bestselling Serbian authors.
...Soon after it was heard that everyone from Lower Čemernica had been thrown into a pit – there were as many pits as there were stories – but that the forester Rifat had survived. A sheep herder, a Serbian girl whose name changed from tale to tale, had heard his groans, dropped him a rope, hauled him out and hidden him in a cave where she secretly brought him food and water. Then he had gone away, no one knew where.
...My Hannibal was born in Lower Čemernica, but he is neither a Muslim nor an Orthodox. He is a dog, just a dog, and he is smarter than all of you.
... -
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