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Freemasonry in Southeast Europe from the 19th to the 21st Centuries
- Beograd,
1.782 RSD
- 148948036
- Ažuriran: 24.02.2025.
- Šifra artikla: 43731
- freemasonry-in-southeast-europe-from-kmL2l

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Autor: Slobodan G. Marković
The collection Freemasonry in Southeast Europe from the 19th to the 21st Centuries is the result of an international scholarly conference organised in Belgrade in October 2019 on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes “Yugoslavia”. The idea was to gather prominent experts who would have an opportunity to discuss in an elaborate and critical manner the achievements and failures of Yugoslav freemasonry, to analyse its impact and contribution to the development of Southeast European societies through various Freemasonic endeavours in the previous two centuries, but also to discuss wider issues of Freemasonry and its relations with civil society. The collection was made with an aim to strengthen the scholarly approach to this topic as opposed to various masonological, publicist and sensationalistic approaches that have obscured the whole topic.It contains four parts. In the first part, two papers on interwar European Freemasonries are presented (French and Hungarian). The second part deals with the influence of Italian and Hungarian Freemasonries on Southeast Europe. The third part deals with Serbian and interwar Yugoslav Freemasonry, and the fourth part covers the relations of Freemasonry and society. The collection has been edited by Prof. S. G. Markovich and it includes contributions by: Prof. Wolfgang Schmale, Dr. Eric Beckett Weaver, Prof. Fulvio Conti, Prof. Attila Pok, Dr Ljubinka Toševa Karpowicz, Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich, Prof. Mihailo Milinković, Prof. Nemanja Radulović, Dr Stanislav Sretenovic, Dr Matevž Košir and Dr Misha Djurkovich. The collection has been co-published by the Institute for European Studies and the Zepter Book World. Zbornik Freemasonry in Southeast Europe from the 19th to the 21st Centuries (Slobodno zidarstvo u jugoistočnoj Evropi od 19. do 21. veka) proizašao je iz međunarodne naučne konferencije organizovane u Beogradu oktobra 2019, a povodom stogodišnjice Velike lože Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca „Jugoslavija“. Ideja je bila da se okupe istaknuti stručnjaci koji će imati priliku da detaljno i kritički razgovaraju o dostignućima i neuspesima jugoslovenske masonerije, da analiziraju njen uticaj i doprinos razvoju društava jugoistočne Evrope kroz različita slobodosnoziraska pregnuća u prethodna dva veka, ali i da se povede diskusija o širim pitanjima masonerije i njenog odnosa s civilnim društvom. Zbornik je napravljen s ciljem da ojača naučni pristup ovoj temi nasuprot različitim masonološkim, publicističkim i senzacionalističkim pristupima koji su pomutili uvid u ovu temu.Zbornik sadrži četiri dela. U prvom delu su predstavljena dva rada o međuratnim evropskim masonerijama (francuskoj i mađarskoj). Drugi deo govori o uticaju italijanske i ugarske masonerije na jugoistočnu Evropu. Treći deo bavi se srpskom i međuratnom jugoslovenskom masonerijom, a četvrti se bavi odnosom masonerije i društva. Zbornik je uredio prof. S. G. Marković, a u njemu su učestvovali: prof. Volfgang Šmale, dr Erik Beket Viver, prof. Fulvio Konti, prof. Atila Pok, dr Ljubinka Toševa Karpovič, prof. Slobodan G. Marković, prof. Mihailo Milinković, prof. Nemanja Radulović, dr Stanislav Sretenović, dr Matevž Košir i dr Miša Đurković. Zbornik su zajedno objavili Institut za evropske studije i Zepter Book World. -
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