Programabilni ciklicni univerzaln tajmer vremenski relej 10A vise podesavanja i ponavljanje ciklusa
- Požarevac,
740 RSD 790 RSD
- 118720179
- Ažuriran: 10.02.2025.
- Šifra artikla: 204
- programabilni-ciklicni-univerzaln-tajmer-vremenski
Izdvojene informacije
Pogledajte i ostale moje oglase!
Svi oglasi sa slikama su dostupni! Robu saljem cim se vratim sa terena, danas, najkasnije ujutru.
Porucivanje preko telefona 0601540033, sms-a, viber, sasomange poruka.
Tajmer ciklusni 0.1s do 999min na 5-30V sa zasebnom aktivacijom
(U ponudi takodje imam i tajmer koji umesto releja ima MOS koji je pogodan za manje potrosace u jednosmernim sistemima, MOS ima gotovo neogranicen broj aktivacija, manje trosi struje
i besuman je. Pogledati u mojim oglasima)
Tajmer takodje moze raditi i na USB
Tajmer se moze podesiti da radi u sirokom opsegu od 0.1s do 999min takodje moze raditi u siklusu, npr. 4.3 sekunde radi a potom 10 sekunde ne radi, takodje moze da se podesi da zadate parametre ponavlja odredjeni broj puta i da potom prestane da ponavlja ili jednostavno konstanto da ponavlja.
veliki broj opcija ima na raspolaganju za razne potrebe.
Karakteristike proizvoda:
Relej 10A
Maksimalna snaga 2200W na 220V
Moze da aktivira uredjaje od 1-250V
Napon rada 5-30V
Potrosnja 20 mA u mirivanju
Vremenski raspon 0.1s - 999min
Dimenzije: 63mm x 38mm x 18mm
Mogucnost slanja preporucenom posiljkom (postarina iznosi 120 din)
Za slanje preporucenom posiljkom potrebno je unapred uplatiti cenu artikla
uvecano za 120 din koliko iznosi postarina.
Preporucena posiljka u sirem reonu moze da putuje do 7 radnih dana
Robu saljem samo post expressom ili preporucenom posiljkom.
U slucaju da posta iz nekog razloga ne radi saljem Beks kurirskom sluzbom.
Sifra: 204
Pogledajte i ostale moje oglase!
0.1 seconds (min) to 999 minutes (max) continuously adjustable. .
Module characteristics and uses:
to achieve fast turn-on and off the circuit, an unlimited number of switching;
Conducting and cutting process does not produce noise, no spark, no electromagnetic interference;
Compared with electromagnetic relay products, longer life;
The dual-MOS parallel drive, lower resistance, more current, strong power; at room temperature, operating current of up to 15A, power up to 400W, to meet the most use of the equipment;
A method for controlling the motor, lights, LED, DC motors, micro-pumps, solenoid valves, etc. , very convenient.
Operating mode:
P1: trigger signal, the relay is on "OP" time, and then disconnect; in the "OP" time, as follows:
P1.1: signal is triggered again, invalid
P1.2: signal is triggered again, the clock is reset
P1.3: Signal trigger again, relay off, stop the clock;
P-2: trigger signal, the relay off "CL" of time, the relay on "OP" time, and then disconnect relay;
P3.1: trigger signal, the relay is turned on after the "OP" time, the relay off "CL" time, then the operation cycle, if the trigger signal period, the relay off, stop the clock; the number of cycles ( "LOP ") can be set.
P3.2: without triggering signal, the relay is on "OP" time, the relay off "CL" time, and has been cycling; frequency ( "LOP") cycle can be set;
P-4: signal holding function. If there is a trigger signal timing is cleared, the relay remains on; when the signal disappears, after the timing "OP" time, the relay is; if another signal during timing, timing is cleared;
Timing range
0.1 seconds (min) to 999 minutes (max) continuously adjustable
How to choose the time range?
After setting the mode selection screen parameter value by a short press "STOP" button to select the time range;
XXX. decimal point in the unit place, time range: 1 second to 999 seconds.
X decimal point in decade place, Timing range: 0.1 seconds to 99.9 seconds
X. X. decimal full brightness, Timing range: 1 minute to 999 minutes.
For example, you want to set "OP" is 3.2 seconds, then move the decimal point to decade place, the digital display 03.2
Parameter description: "OP" - conduction time, "CL" - off time, "LOP" - the number of cycles (1-999 times, "---" represents infinite loop).
These parameters are independent of each other, but is shared by each mode. For example, in P1.1 mode, set the on-time "OP" is 5 seconds, if you switch to P1.2 mode, it's "OP" will be 5 seconds too.
In the main interface (display 000), short press "SET" button will display "OP" ( "CL", "LOP") and the corresponding time XXX;
Some parameters only mode "OP" (such as the mode P1.1, P1.2, P1.3), short press the "SET" key to display only the “ OP” and the corresponding time;
Some models have parameters "OP", "CL", "LOP" (such as the mode P3.1, P3.2), short press "SET" button will display "OP" and the corresponding time, “ CL” and the corresponding time, “ LOP” and the corresponding number of times;
In the main interface by short press "SET" key to see information about the parameters of the current mode, very convenient!
Sifra: 204
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